As The World Turns...

March 11, 2006

What to say...

After a phone call I received today...I began thinking about how God sends reality checks to remind us to take each day as it comes and to not rush life. We wake up each morning and go to bed each night many times what happens in the middle becomes blurred. We are so busy doing daily tasks that we forget to take a breath and look around us at what truly matters. We are in such a rush to get on to the next item on our to do list that we don't take time to write an email to a friend or return a phone call and before you know too much time has gone by.
My friend Lindsey called me today to tell me that one of our friends (a friend since elementary school) lost her mother this past week. Now thinking back, it's been over a year since I have seen or talked with this friend and approximately 2 1/2 years since I have seen her mother. It is really sad how quickly time goes by and before you realize it another week or month or year is gone since you have written or talked with a friend. It is even more sad that it takes the passing of a friends mother to invoke this realization. I know personally there are times when you "don't have the time" or are "too busy" to send an email or make a phone call. But in reality we don't know when God will be calling us home. We don't know what the future holds for us and our family and friends. We must make an effort to live life to the fullest each and everyday. It's too easy to let time go by and to push it off until tomorrow. However, it is unfair, for we do not know what tomorrow holds for us. Rest in peace Mamma Metty. You will forever be missed. NMZ

March 1, 2006

First Big Purchase

Well the time finally came for Joe and I to make our first big purchases...a new rocker recliner and a new mattress set. The merchandise finally came today...and I am so excited. It is wonderful! The wonderful delivery men from Value City Furniture delivered and set it up, no manual labor required.
Making a purchase like this just makes it even more evident that we are now adults. It was one of those purchases that you seen you parents making and couldn't wait to get that chance to do it yourself. Another one of those defining moments in life when you realize that you are no longer and "child" and have entered adulthood. It is nice to have these realizations which make me look back at my life and realize how far I have come.
Who knew that purchasing a chair and a mattress set could be a defining moment in ones life...