As The World Turns...

June 15, 2006

"PITTSBURGH (AP) -- Pittsburgh Steelers quarterback Ben Roethlisberger broke his jaw and nose in a motorcycle crash, but doctors said they had successfully treated his multiple facial fractures after seven hours of surgery.
Roethlisberger, the youngest quarterback to lead a team to the Super Bowl championship, was in serious but stable condition late Monday night at Pittsburgh's Mercy Hospital. "

Boys and there toys...when are men going to learn. They are all the same, even those that say that they are different. But we (the women in their lives) love them unconditionally.

Big Ben I wish you a very speedy recovery and can't wait to see you back out on the field ready to play some "STEELERS" football.

June 14, 2006

Heading Back to Pennsylvania

Well its summertime and that means one thing, our semi-annual trip back to PA. It is an every summer adventure. We pick one weekend during the summer to go and visit Joe's family and friends. This will be the second time we have visited since his mom passed away last February. This will also be the first visit back home since his best friend Eric, his wife Mindie and their beautiful baby girl Natalie moved to North Carolina. Not that we need a reason but we are going back because Joes niece is getting married June 17. I always enjoy the trips to PA because Joe always remembers to take me to places that he has not taken me on previous visits. I know that moving up to MI to be with me has not been an easy move for him. It has been three years since he has moved up here. I know that he misses is family and friends and I try to do all I can to make things easier for him. He is my rock and I know I try to be his. It is not always easy but we do it for each other. (I love you baby!) I will post again after we return. Peace Out!

June 5, 2006

Pugzzzzz here again. I know it's been a while...too long actually! But I've been busy. Anyway, my girl Lindsey has been buggin me to post, so here I am. She always reminds about the time we stayed in Motel 6 Novi. She sprayed her toes with tinactin because they were itchy and I nicknamed her tinactin toes, and then she looked at my toes in retaliation and nicknamed me pugsley toes. Hence the nickname, Pugz, which is still very much IN USE. Thanks Linds, a whole lot:)